So I'm on this
algorithm is showing me more of this Jim Ron guy. And I didn't know who he was until I saw a little video, and then I saw it on the machine page, and I sent
it to myself so that I could remember it. So now I'm seeing more. So he had another video pop up, and
I just found it so helpful. And I'm just, I'm really using that in my own mind to try to keep sort of limiting beliefs away and just kind of keep myself on
track and believing in the
in what I'm doing, even when it gets hard. And so this video that I saw, he asks four questions.
So the first question is, why? So what's your why for doing the things that you want to do? So I've heard this on a lot of different like motivational type
shit and leadership stuff and all these kind of things. So it's not a new concept. But, well, none of these concepts are new, but this isn't a new one to
me anyway. So the the why behind what it is that you want to do. So, like, a good, easy example, is like, somebody that's trying to achieve financial success,
it's like, why do you want that? And,
and if you don't have a strong why, and it's just sort of like, oh, because I just want to buy a nice car and, you know, I want to impress, you know, people
that I don't even like with shit. You know? I don't know. I think Gary V said it. He said, like, you're spending too much effort trying to buy shit you
can't afford to impress people you don't even like, or something like that. So like, if your why is like, and at the same time, like, I don't want to
shit on that. Why? Because some people that stuff is very, very important, but like,
what if it isn't? What if? What if it's just kind of what you think you're supposed to do, you think you're supposed to drive this kind of car, you think
you're supposed to do these kind of things. So that's your why. And they say that it's not if the Why isn't strong enough to really, like, when you think
about it, it really hypes you up, and you're like, This is why I'm doing this. If it's not a super strong why, when things get really hard
a week, I don't know, like, a why that isn't super important to you is not going to pull you through the hard times, and it's going to be easier to give up.
So then the next question he asked was, why not? And
that's not about, I didn't take it like this. It's not about, like, coming up all the reasons why you can't, like limiting beliefs and all these kind of
things. It's it's more of like, why not see how, how far you could take this thing, whatever it is you want to do, you want to do in your life. When why not
see how much success you can have? Or, why not see
how, in how good of a shape you can get in your physical body or your mind, why not do all these things, you know? And then the one that that I found that the
most powerful and helpful for me is, why not you? And
your thing is like
what I thought about it, and this his, this lecture is it looked like, I mean, I don't know, maybe he's it looked like it was much older than social
media, so like,
I'm thinking of it on the level of, like, where we're at in society right now, and so
most of us have social media, and we look at it and stuff, and it's pretty common for people to Share like they're sort of highlight reel. And, you know,
like, I don't know, for example, like, I'll be online and I'll see some shit that, like, represents kind of a life that I want to have, you know, like,
like, for me, my one of my why's is, I want to achieve as much financial success as possible so that I can rescue a bunch of animals. So I have this like
vision in my mind of, like, having a property with, like, all this land, and I can just rescue as many animals as I want. I have a staff that can
help me with that and all these kind of things. So for me, that's a really powerful why. So when I'm feeling discouraged, or, you know, things are
especially difficult, I find myself looking back to that and thinking like, well, if I don't do this, I'm not going to achieve that. And so what coming
back to the why not? You idea?
You know, a lot of times I'll see people living that sort of lifestyle, like, There's this one guy that he just has, like, he has all this property, and
he just has, like, a huge pack of dogs, and he looks looks like, you know,
I don't know he looks like, he's doing pretty well for himself, but you.
You know, he's walking this huge pack of rescue dogs, and all these dogs that probably would have been dead in a shelter had he not rescued them. And I see
like him, like walking them on his big old land and all this shit. And I'm just like, Man, I really wish I had that. Like, I really wish I could do that.
And so asking yourself, the question is, why not you like, Why? Why can't I do that? If that guy did that, someone could do it. And lots of people have
done that, like he's not the only one that pops up on my feed. There's lots of people that that have exactly that, you know, like they have land that
actually has, like, a fucking river going through it. They walk the dogs down there, and dogs are all just like having the best lives and shit. And
when I, when I see, when I feel envious of that kind of lifestyle,
you know, I think, why not? I'm starting to think, now, why not me, like that guy did that. I could do that too, and
I found it just so incredibly helpful. And the the other thing, like, another one of my whys, is, is to build up Machin to be sort of like the, you
know, the most iconic graffiti brand of all time, you know, and, like, that's a, it's a big goal. And it's like, you know, one of those goals that it's
like, it's going to be really hard to get there, but like,
there, I don't know if there is a most iconic brand. I mean,
you know, I guess different people is going to be different, but I want to be the one. But somebody has done something like that. And then there's, there's
businesses that like, are in the same place that I want to be someday, like with their facility and their staff and all this kind of stuff and
and I find it,
I don't know,
sometimes I find it hard to not be discouraged. You know, when I'm seeing stuff like that, because I'm like, fuck, man, I'm still right here, you know,
like, even though we're growing and all that stuff,
you know, like, I follow Alex and Layla her mosey, and they're, they're like, really young, and they've achieved so much.
And it's like, it's discouraging to see that stuff at 50,
you know, because I'm like, what do they have that I don't have? You know,
they just made the right move. So they're, you know, worth hundreds of millions of dollars in their early 30s. You know,
lost my train of thought. Let me get back on track.
But when I see those kind of things, I, you know, I look at stuff like that, and I look at like companies, like first form, and they have, like, a huge
facility and great company culture and all that stuff. And one of my Whys is to build a business that has a really good culture, create jobs for people,
create opportunities for the people that work for us to achieve all of their financial goals while working for us, you know, like,
that's a that's a big driver for me. I really want that. I want, I want to be able to build a company that's
that's capable of allowing other people to to realize all their dreams, you know, and that that requires a really strong,
you know, profitable, somewhat large business. I mean, large is a relative term. Large to me is, you know, a couple 100 employees. But that's not
necessarily considered big business in America, but, or the world, I don't know, but, you know, so those wise kind of pull me towards it. But then when I
see other people that have the things that I want, it's I never really looked at it like, Why? Why can't? Why not me? If they did it, I can do it
to a certain extent, to a certain extent, I would, I would be somewhat,
somewhat frustrated. And
sometimes doubtful. And so when I'm listening to this guy, Jim Ron and
and he poses that question, it gives me a lot of confidence, because I think, like, why not me? Like, there's people that have done way more
with way less. And a lot of times there's a lot of people that have limiting beliefs. And I'm, I mean, I'm, I have them as well. Everybody has it. But
some people might see what they what they want, somebody achieving what they want, and they might think like, well, that that guy can do it because
he has this, this and that. And I didn't have this, this and that. And you know, where I grew up, this way, and all these kind of things. But it's like, what?
What are those thoughts doing to serve you? Like, are those are, are thinking that you can't do it because of this, this and that, and that could be any
limiting beliefs you want. You can just plug them in there.
What? What is.
Thinking that ways, what is that doing to get you closer to your goals? Is it? Is it? I mean, it's, it's definitely not, but it's, it's actually getting you
further away. So if, instead of thinking like I can't do this because of this, this and that,
you know, within reason, I'm not even to get into that. But,
if you're thinking that I can't do this because XYZ,
how much, how much further along Do you think he would get if, instead of saying I can't do it because of this, saying, Why? Why not me? Why? Why, if someone
else did it, why can't I do it too? And believing that you can,
then the last question was,
why not? Now, you know a good way to button it all up, because a lot of us may have these goals, and we may have these
ideas of things that we want to accomplish, and we fall into that procrastination trap where we're like, okay, yeah,
I can do it. Like you go through the first three questions. You're like, Okay, I know why I want to do it. I've gone over like, what? Why not? Why not
just give it a shot and make it happen? And why not me? I can do it. Someone else has done it. You got all that.
But then, like a lot of us, we go, Okay, I'm gonna get to that, and then the next day, I'm gonna get to that. The next day,
days keep going by and turns into months and all these kind of things. So why not now? Why not just start doing what it is that you want to do now, start
taking the steps, and
I feel like that's a really powerful one, but it didn't hit me as hard because I am knee deep in the shit that I want to be doing or trying to
achieve the level of success that I need in order to do the things that I want to do. So I'm, I've already,
I've already said that. Why not now? But at the same time, you know, these things come in ebbs and flows, and, like, your energy levels go up and down.
like, fairly recently, I found myself in a little bit of a rut, and I was, like, kind of forcing myself to
to get my tasks done like I was still getting them done. But so maybe the why not now will help then. But if you're
if you have something you want to achieve, why not start it now and and believe that you can do it? I mean, worst case scenario, you're going to get somewhere. I
mean, you may not get to exactly where you want to
but you can absolutely get somewhere like when I think about my business and the size that I wanted to get and all the things that I want to achieve, I
don't know that I'm gonna get there, but I'm confident that I'm gonna get somewhere really good,
and I might get somewhere better than what I originally planned. But you know, so I don't know. Try asking yourself those questions and see what kind of
sorry. Keep coughing like for some reason, my throats getting dry. But ask yourself those questions and see, see what it what it does for you. It really,
really hyped me up. So hopefully I went search for Jim Ron, why not? And you can watch the video yourself.
All right, I'm out.
All right.
Appreciate each and every one of you guys who are supporting the cause and continue to spread the love and yeah, stay up.