Okay, this is mainly a test, it might end up getting released, it might not, I got this little camera, and I'm set up on this thing called Riverside on this
thing that you can't see off screen, what I thought I would talk about is run an idea by you guys and see if you're interested in this. Number one,
I need to do more video podcasts. And while this,
maybe not, might not be the most interesting, this is just in a spare room in my house, in my house.
But what I want to do is, maybe do some stuff in the field, and I've talked about this on another podcast episode. And I'm just now starting to get
get into possibly doing it. And I had some ideas, and maybe I'll tag some people and see if I can get some feedback from people that listen to the show
regularly. So when Coven I started it, obviously it was it was about the idea of of bringing personal development information to the graffiti
culture. And we felt like it would help, you know, elevate the culture and maybe people would find, hopefully, people would find the same value in the
lessons that we the same value that we found in it. And that's why we share this stuff.
And so over time, you know, I've continued to do that. And I've, I hope that the information is still coming off as fresh, but we're 120 123 episodes in now.
And I'm just starting to wonder if maybe I need to add another layer to this thing. So
in the beginning, we want to avoid like, I don't want to use the wrong language. But we wanted to
not sort of fall into the sort of standard idea of what a graffiti podcast would be expected to be it was we wanted to be sort of unexpected, and
provide, you know, valuable information. And so with that said, like, as far as talking to graffiti writers and interviewing graffiti writers,
specifically about graffiti and different stories around graffiti, we really wanted to avoid that. But now like the further in we get, I'm kind of
starting to entertain the idea. And so I'm going to start doing those types of things. So I am going to start interviewing graffiti writers and talking
about graffiti, and maybe the history and all that kind of stuff. But I guess my question is, would you as listeners of the graffiti machine podcast
would want to see that kind of content in the same feed as the other stuff. So what I'm thinking is,
I could do one of two things. One, it could still be a weekly podcast, and maybe every other week, it's
it's rotated. So week one,
you know, will be a personal development podcast, like the normal stuff that I do. And then the next episode will be an interview with a graffiti
writer, so well sort of swap it. The other idea that I had is to continue doing
the personal development stuff every week. And those are, you know, shorter, 2020 ish minutes episodes, and then add an additional episode per week,
where it's a graffiti interview. So
this is going to be up on YouTube as a video. And
well, unless I really don't like it,
then it'll just be audio. But um,
yeah, I guess that's it. I don't know, what do you guys think? Do you want to? Do you want that kind of content on this show? Or would you rather it stay
personal development, and then I do this kind of content on a whole different thing altogether? I mean, for the people that there's honestly,
like, very few people
consume the product, the podcast on YouTube, because there's no video, I'm assuming, because there's no video.
But you know, so if we get several 1000 downloads a month,
on other audio platforms, like, you know, Apple podcast, and Spotify, mainly.
And then we may get two or 300, or maybe 400, at the most on YouTube per month. So
I'm assuming most people will hear this on the audio only feed. And I'll try to figure out how to get audio or video on to
Spotify, because I know you can do that as well. So I don't know. That's the question. You want to see this on the graffiti machine podcast. Either way it's
going to be it's going to exist. So for the audio only people, it'll probably affect you the most for the video, the people that consume the podcast on
YouTube. There will you know, it'll just be up there with that stuff. So
I'm curious what you guys think. And yeah, if you'd like to send me your opinion on that.
A couple of ways you can get in touch with me you can go on Instagram at boss 166 get me there.
Or you can send me an email bus at machine studio.com interested and looking forward to hearing what you think. All right, appreciate you. Thank you
all right.
appreciate each and every one of you guys who are supporting the cars and continue to spread the love and yeah, stay up